Online Courses


Real Estate Mastery Program

NOTE: Before Purchasing Real Estate Mastery Program, Please complete Real Estate Mastery Program Intake Form & Requirements to Qualify form Below.

  1. Credibility Review
  2. How to reprogram your income at will and build for the future.
  3. How to fire your boss and create replacement income in 1-2 transactions a year.
  4. How to get paid for spending.
  5. How to leverage contracts and master contracts with good or bad credit and build long term income.
  6. How to get 100%financing on properties that need work, secure income tax free capital and passive income. Followed by a system to make that money work for you with the power to predict your income for life when structured right. While securing your family for the foreseeable future when structured right.
  7. Transferring wealth through value.
  8. How to build wealth through licensing.
  9. Tax Shelter Established where necessary
  10. Funding relationships with funding plan attached
  11. Real Estate Education and the leverages it provides you utilizing real estate and how it can fund other businesses you have in mind. 100% financing and or combo real estate financing with no financials required.
  12. How to use the banks cash to buy cash
  13. Benefits of a tax shelter
  14. How to successfully qualify when the bank say no.
  15. Family Plan with Generational Wealth Build structured where applicable
  16. Network and family leveraging solutions for good and challenged credit.
  17. How to acquire and improve real estate with 0% financing
  18. How to buy real estate in cash in 30-90 days with good credit.
  19. How to unload property with low to no money out of pocket without reducing property values or having to raise large down payments.
  20. How to buy a vehicle for personal or business use in cash and get paid multiple times for doing so.
  21. Debt cancellation plan.
  22. Tax minimization plan.
  23. Compound interest revenue plan where applicable.
  24. Residual and passive income plan.

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